It's Really Real - the premiere of Keyed Alike

I actually got a thrill. Seeing Keyed Alike listed in Encounters Festival (VR Lates, 20:30 Wed 20 September WATERSIDE 3) made it really real. It has my name there as Director but it should have all our names:  Producer and the reasonwhyIgotintoVRinthefirst place Alex Ruhl and Casting Wonder Woman Coralie Rose. We didn't know each other a year ago. And now we've made 1 VR film and a comedy pilot. 

from the Encounters programme notes: "One of VR’s most exciting qualities is its powerful ability to foster feelings of intimacy. In her Together strand, guest curator Catherine Allen sets out to reclaim intimacy in VR from commercial VR porn’s male gaze. Experience work at the cutting edge of VR culture that takes you through different stages of a relationship. In curating Together Catherine sets out to demonstrate what VR is capable of in terms of showing the nuances of human relationships, sensuality and sexuality."